Cost of a single-color paint job?

Neither will the fellow that painted my car. Tried to get him to work with my doctor, he would not. In his words...."everybody is a mother f*****g body work pro. Every one knows it all.....especially when it comes to pointing the finger of blame. Not worth dealing with a whining sniveling crybaby to make a few hundred dollars spraying a car that in all reality has bodywork done to it that is flat out junk.". As he put it, do you bring your own bacon & eggs to Denny's for breakfast?

My doctor was working with a guy that claimed he was the best around. That only the absolute minimum of filler was used. After the guy screwed him over and he got the car back curiosity kicked in, he took a sander to some of the work that was done. He found areas where instead of doing metal work putty was used to straighten things. On one spot of the car he took a drill to the putty to see exactly how deep it was.....over 5/8" thick. I can only imagine what would have happened if the Doc would have found someone to spray it for him.

apologies to the op as we are way off course, but I suspect you have a feeling for what you are in for.

Ink- bummer about your buddy getting bamboozled. Sounds like in that case the body shop owner that refused is doing him a favor. But if he is OK with that level of work (nothing wrong with that) I am sure a maaco or equivalent will happily finish it up. If he is looking for something beautiful like your car, he is going to have to pay someone to almost start over.

This gets into why I prefer to do the work myself. I have been burned by just about every type of car professional, from the jiffy lube, dealership, local mechanic etc.

So for matters of importance I learn to do it myself, or do incredible amounts of research/ seek referrals for anything I have to outsource.

As mentioned here and in other threads, doing it myself may not be the most cost effective; a significant investment in time and tools is needed for each auto discipline. But I do this for myself, it is my hobby- my version of football or golf or whatever else people do with their spare time.