Hard to keep going sometimes
When you do file for SSD include EVERYTHING that ails you, no matter how insignificant it might be....as long as you have had the condition for a year, or it is expected to last at least a year. SS uses different guidelines, age defendant. The younger you are the more hurdles they toss at you. So don't be bashful. I found out that one of the things that SS takes into account is how many "down" days you have a month. Being that you were recently employed they will probably take into account how many days a week/month you were incapacitated. If I remember correctly I believe the number is 5 days. Recently read somewhere that SS has eased up some on what they will let thru. Keep in mind that when you get thru you they, the SS folks, will "check up" on you. They will send you a form letter with some simple questions, this is how they determine if they need to do a full scale review on you. In the five years I have been disabled I got a letter from them once. My wife just received one a few months back.. Not saying you would stop seeking treatment, but to keep the SS folks satisfied you have to keep seeing your Docs. Pretty sure if SS deems you disabled and you have dependent children that they will be entitled to some funds as well. Don't quote me on that, but you might want to ask about it. I wish you the best of luck in both your health and well being and the SSD process. My offer still stands about chatting with you about all of this....