WIW early A underdash a/c parts

depends on how bad someone needs/wants it really.
I picked up the complete underdash system from a 66 dart (heater/ac boxes , controls, rubber hoses, water valve, broken door fresh air box drivers side, blower motor, sealed drier and nuts to mount it, minus the bezel and vent.) for 69 bucks plus shipping. 44 more for shipping from Pennsylvania, I'm in Florida.
I've seen em go higher but not much more than 150 and sell. but that was with all the stuff including the compressor, brackets hoses and condenser, inside and outside parts.
Now, that's not saying that I have not seen them asking MUCH higher (as much as 400.00-600.00) but I never saw them getting sold at that price.

most people get rid of the A/c units when they go to the v8 option and don't seem to put it back on for some reason(power,uglythe way it looks under hood ect.). I wish I'd have been able to pick up the bezel also, but it was garbage and had been tossed. the vent had already been sold for 40.00