A904-No first gear with a Turbo Action Valve Body

pan was actually vary clean.Reverse works great.Seems to be stuck in 3rd gear.Had the car on the freeway and the RPMs where they should be.Was thinking something in valve body was stuck.Will pull this week end and take apart.This may be my chance to upgrade to a TCI super street fighter 727 with a 2400 stall.

You never said if it's a automatic shift valve body or full manual shift. Assuming it's a full manual in which case I can't help with any specific ideas, just check everything over. If it's an automatic shift and you have a pressure gauge you can check the governor pressure and see what it looks like. Should be nearly zero (no more than 1.5~2 psi max) when the trans is in gear but the wheels aren't turning. It's possible it's a stuck governor. If the pressure checks ok it's quite possible it's the 2-3 shift valve stuck.

Have you read the sticky on TCI transmissions? It's at the top of the page. Their valve bodies seem to be ok but I rarely here of anyone that's happy with one of their complete transmission's in a Mopar.