Captainkirk's Duster project

So after another marathon session extending way past midnight last night, I made far more progress on the trunk than I thought possible. I'm quite sure the neighbors were vacillating between calling the cops, or calling Belleview, and it probably worked in my favor that they couldn't make their mind before I shut 'er down for the night. I had hoped at best to get maybe half the rust attacked. Instead, I ended up peeling both sides of caulking and getting down to the nitty-gritty in the entire trunk area, removing both taillights and associated wiring from the trunk area, and getting the rusty areas ready for caulk and Rust Reformer. For part of this operation, I ended up climbing up on a stepladder and climbing into the trunk like a mafia stiff. I ran out of moxie sometime after midnight, and having no more Rust Reformer or caulk, decided to call it a night, well-pleased and heartened by the unexpected progress I'd made. What was it that Lone Watie said in "The Outlaw Josie Wales"? Oh yeah......"Endeavor to persevere". Yeah, that.