need prayers for my 4 legged friend

Hi Y'all

I my best buddy on 4 legs is up there in years. Sadie Mae is 10 people years old equates to 70 doggie years. I came home last night around 9pm from work kids are asleep, sadie normally sleeps with one of my kids every night. Well this morning i hear a loud yelp and she is walking down the hallway favoring her back legs really bad. I lay her on her side and carefully run her legs thru a full range of motion , check her pelvis, and tail, no yelps, but midway between her shoulder blades and pelvis in her spine she yelped and snapped a bit. Obviously a back injury. She doesnt have arthritis or anything like that. Grace said she had to pick up sadie and put her on the bed last night. She usually just jumps up there by herself.

Sadie has an appointment at 2:30 with the vet today. Im hoping she just needs an anti infammatory and some bed rest. I adopted her when she was one year old, and she has been my best friend for all these years. I hope she is ok. I know when the time comes for god to take her its gonna be rough on me, im just not ready for that. She is family .

Please pray for her that she is going to be alright. I love her so much.


got some pix off my phone.

she is hangin w my dad in 2 of the other pix, and the car pic im bringing her home from her recent surgery. the last pic she is hanging with the other pet i used to have. sadie doesnt like cats, but i got this cutie as a 6 week old kitten, and Sadie loved her. Sadly i had to give my kitty away as my new stepdaughter is severly allergic to cats. i found her a good home, the lady she lives with spoils her, but when i gave her up Sadie was bummed out for awhile.

Sadie is doing good. she gets the stitches out on monday, and a progress checkup. she is walking a little better and better every day now. it remains to be seen if she will have use of her tail anymore. it just stays limp. but if she walks well, then thats good, id take a bum tail on her as a tradeoff to keep my 4 legged best friend in good health.