Englers's Junk Yard Crushing out 700 Cars. Located in PA.

My brother and I have been there.......in July 2012, and there were over a 1000 vehicles then. It is a crying shame
that it is being crushed, as there were several thousand good parts to be had. Alot of A-bodys, B-bodys, and other brand x cars. There were a few 68-69 RR's as well, but were pretty well stripped. We were going to buy some parts cars from him, and spend thousand dollar bills, but just could not come up with any deals, of course, it is about 650 miles from home. Bob is a good guy, but can be a real hard*zz, and an ornry ole man too, but it is his own personal collection, and he can do with it, what he please's. We spent quite a bit of time there one day..... and knows he just wants to permanately retire, as what he talked to us about.

Not my post nor do I have a brother. Just some info from some else that I posted to help anyone else that wonders what cars are there. Hopefully someone takes some current pics of the yard and post them here for us.