I am determined to have a big block 1968 Dart now. Well, later. Just took my fiance, Leslie, some lunch while she is at work, and she showed me some papers saying her pays will be garnished for 2 1/2 months for a debt that she incurred 5 years ago while she was married. Just in time for Christmas. So, looks like I will be selling the big block stuff that I just got, and sticking with a small block for now. In with the Magnum!
After Christmas, though, I think I will get some heads done and my valvetrain finished for my stroker, and sell the magnum. Maybe the Dart Sport, which, if I ever get to it, will get a new Hemi. Or the stroker when I put a big block in the 68. Or,...man, I hate ADHD.
Thanks for the input so far! I'm not giving up quite yet.