8 3/4 guru need your help

There is NO WAY for a crush sleeve to crush in use.

I'll explain because even guys that do rear ends believe this nonsense, then they say it adds strength, really how in the world could a bearing load design add strength.

Under load the pin wants to shoot out the front, and if it was able to be held in place it would shoot the driveshaft into and break the trans... just like the 9" does when the always needed and not there for added strength 3rd bearing fails.

Now when the pinion is under load it is pushing the main pin bearing against the case.. IF IF it could push the entire pin gear forward it would push the front pin bearing off the race relieving the bearing preload, but there is no way it could crush the sleeve.
Now when under Decel, the opposite happens and the Ring is trying to eat the pin gear and rip it into it and shoot it out the cover, so now the front bearing is being pulled against and the sleeve or shims would and are being relieved of any pressure they have.

The crush sleeve SIMPLY puts the drag on the bearing needed.

This is no different than wheel bearings, wheel bearings also need a determined amount of load, without the right preload the bearing will be too loose or to tight.
The crush sleeve will never change once it is installed because the pressure on the pin is always at either end trying to relieve the bearing load not increase it.

I have seen the 8.75 in race cars in the stock 89 and 42 cases break and even with the MW billet caps break, and i have never seen the problem be the crush sleeve or shims, i have ALWAYS seen the cap or adjuster be the reason for the problem.
This is why i say use the AL thru bolt case it doesn't have the issue.

Now i have a few cars and have crush sleeves and never ever seen any issue, i also do hundreds of diffs and never seen a crush sleeve crush any further, it is impossible without someone squeezing the bearings together, which is impossible with a diff in use.
