Almost best car prank...

THE best prank really only needs to played on an “Uber Anal don’t touch my car guy” that everyone knows. What was better, he’s one of those "Upon hearing a sound that May have come from his engine"…..he pulls over! OH……. And really must have a sense of humor, and not a CCW.

To start he’s an M5 guy…… so you already know the type. He parks in a corner, just taking up enough of a second spot (from a very small lot) so know one else can use it, along with other things made him a prime target.

The prank:
We jacked up the car, and placed it on blocks (doesn’t matter what) small enough not seen in the dark, (black paint is better)and JUST behind the wheels but large enough to hold the load. Some trial and error over the years gave me the right package. The trick is to have the tires “Just” off the ground so the driver won’t notice (hence doing it at night, when someone wants to go home) and the tires won’t smoke when put in gear. It was hilarious!!!!!!! He gunned in reverse (as he usually does) and nothing!!! He went in forward and reverse again nothing. He even looked under the car to see if the DS was chucked. He figured something was up, when the whole office stuck around looking out the windows. Needless to say it’s funny to watch…

*As much as a Disclaimer as I can think of.

No Beemer’s or Humans were harmed during this event, and was executed by trained professional engineers, and should not be repeated do to the potential harm of life and limb…….. (If they found out who did it) :D