1965 Dodge Dart Charger

Different fuel filters were sold over the years by Chrysler as service replacements, all under the one part number 2084 467. There have been all-plastic ones, all-metal ones, and plastic ones with a metal end cap. There have been numerous different styles of printing on the filters, too. FWIW, the factory parts catalogue shows an all-metal fuel filter, though this is not necessarily indicative of what was installed on any given car at any given plant on any given date -- FPC pictures are widely re-used without alteration from year to year and certainly would not have been changed just because the fuel filters Chrysler bought this month were a different style than the ones they bought last month. Doing a search at Atlas Chrysler's page for fuel filter turns up this result for '64-'66 A-bodies and this result for 1960-'63 A-bodies. I'm sure these filters look excellent, but I am not convinced by this page that all '64-'66 factory filters were metal; I have owned 1965-production plastic filters that look like Atlas' "1960-'63" item, but with different printing including the Pentastar logo rather than the Forward Look. Also, 1960 cars did not have fuel filters from the factory; that feature wasn't added until 1961.

It is extremely unlikely that factory-installed fuel filters were changed when the car arrived at the dealership. Also scroll back to post 1369 in this thread and take a look at that factory photo of a 273 engine, with its metal fuel filter clearly visible. Does that prove anything about this car from this plant on this build date? No, but it's a data point!

Thanks for the input Dan! This is the best picture I could get of the fuel filter. I know that within 1964 and 1965 Chrysler used fuel filter with part number 2525 254. The filter 2084 467 were used up to 1963 according to my parts book. Here is some pictures of test cars for the public aka magazines. They seems to have plastic filters. But looking closer it seems like they are more white than the one I have. Was there a lot of manufacturers for the fuel filters?

I guess that Chrysler did not drive around fuel filters nationwide! Instead they used different sourches. Must have been cheaper for the plants.

Last pictures is of a 1965 Hemi Coronet equipped with plastic fuel filters. Any one having Pictures of later Mopars with fuel filters. Can the filters plastic been switched over the years? I know from seeing late 1960is Mopars they have the see-through filter. It might have been a different whiter plastic used in 1964/1965!

Thanks for all the input FABO! I would not be here without all the help I have gotten over the years.
