68' Dart

Finally got around to shooting some paint on the Dart. Texas in the summer is not the best weather for painting. I started at 4:30 am and by 8:00am I had to quit. Base coat went on with little problems. Not so for the clear. It's going to take quite a bit of wet sanding to get the orange peel out. Started with 1000 grit, then 1500, 2000, 2500 and now 3000 grit. It's getting there. Now I get to start putting it back together. Got all the wiring in, running gear and suspension. I thought I had better see if it was going to start and run ok. Filled A/T, engine and radiator. Wouldn't you know it! Brand new Be Cool radiator leaking. I can hear them now, "Sorry, it's past it's warranty", Deal with it. I don't believe I'll be buying any more Be Cool products.
Ole well, it is what it is!