make offer sale-update and pic updates

You do know the rules say you must post prices. Parts/Car Seller:
Ads may NOT be placed by businesses. If you are a business contact the site Admin, Joeychgo for information on becoming a vendor.
Have a descriptive Title. Dont just post A Body Parts in the title. Be more descriptive so the buyers know at least a little about what your selling. (Example Title: Duster Suspension Parts)
No Bumping of ads.
FABO Gold Members may bump once every 3 days.
No repeated posting of same ad for one week.
Please try to limit each thread to 1 part unless the parts are directly related. (ie Duster Suspension Parts)
eBay auctions are permitted, but please give some detail of the item as well as the eBay link. DO NOT post just the eBay item number, post the link. Same thing goes with Craigslist or other 3rd party sites.
You must Post either an Asking Price or Make offer with a BIN Price. (We prefer you post an asking price)
Location (Preferably City & State) MUST be in the ad
Please Post SOLD in the thread when the item(s) are sold. (We dont delete ads - please dont ask us to)
Do NOT post email addresses or phone numbers in your ad or in any response to an ad. Use the PM feature. Only FABO Gold Members may place email and phone numbers in ads.
Do not argue with others in the thread.
Photos may help sell the part/car