Captainkirk's Duster project lofty goals for having a roller by spring (June?) might just work out. Sorta depends on what I get done over the winter with the rear end and front K-frame and suspension bits. Speaking of rear ends, I'm finding the results of my little poll interesting:

Poll-which rear end?

So far, the results overwhelmingly show the majority in favor of just dropping the 3.91 out of the Li'l Red Minx in as-is. Now, I'm guessing more than a few poll-takers haven't read this resto thread and know the history of that rear end, telephone-pole smooching incident and all.....but regardless, they mostly seem to feel the 3.91 would be the weapon of choice.
Now way back when, I tol' you that there was something 'different' about The Duke. Maybe this had something to do with it? I always assumed Duke had a 3.91 but we all know about assumptions and this is no exception. The Minx, on the other hand, was an explosive little red warhead and I'm thinking this may have had something to do with it? :D Anyway, the jury is still out on the diff & gearing....I never do snap-judgements if I can help it......but just thought I would throw that out there as that bridge will have to be crossed prior to having a roller.
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