tune up advice

I time stock 318-2 barrels with 13 initial. How much cam do they have?

That's not a good initial timing point for this engine unless you like soft crappy low/off idle performance and gassing out the neighborhood with stinky exhaust. It also causes tuning issues elsewhere in the throttle opening/rpm ranges.

Simple test, if you grab the distributor at idle, twist it clockwise and it picks up RPM... IT WANTS THE TIMING! PERIOD - end of story

ScampTramp gave you a decent initial/total range as well.

Seems people ask for advice around here and only take advice they want to read.

Ask younggun2.0 whether you have enough initial or if my advice is flawed. I believe his engine ran crappy and doughy before... I bet your engine cranks over a bunch before starting or you need to give it pedal to fire. Both are symptoms of not enough initial timing. It should fire at the flick of the key. if it doesn't, it not right.

Last I checked there is not ONE comment regarding how fast the curve should come in. The springs you are running for advance curve should be fine, I run almost every engine with that combo, light silver and blue. Ideally you want full advance prior to the converter flash point.

I'd put the black bushing on it and time it with 18 initial and see if that cleans up some of the pillsbury!