The perfect girlfriend, 35 years too late, LOL

Im going to make a tuxedo that fits over my dart and marry my car.

Cool! I'll be the best man, so I am going to take your Dart out to Vegas the night before and we'll tear it up all around town.......and I'll keep jamming a gas nozzle into the gas tank with cheap, low-octane 7-11 gas......until it's pinging and its valves are floating at 7000 RPM!

You know.....its "last hurrah" before married life kicks in. :D least, when a car don't start or has issues, it can be fixed ....humans are a lot harder to fix issues with and its usually not worth it....sometimes people can the most horrible creatures on the face of the earth so why shoot yourself in the foot and give up your freedom to one, especially one that could have mental hang ups that work against you.

I think we'll call this "looking at the glass as half empty". LOL Come onnnnn....