Best Bang for the Buck Head???

I know where you'r ecoming from Frosty but RHS cannot be flowed out of the box - they only come as castings.
I agree with Brian - unless you pay someone to do them on the side (meaning not a pro shop) you won't get anywhere near 260 on any bench I've been tested on. Just the valve job is $450-500, then there's parts, maybe guides, spring seats and guides to cut down, and milling. A good set of ported factory iron heads would cost me $1400 with good springs and valves. Any porting would be on top of that. $500 would get me two cleaned and magged heads, guides done, and about 8 valves.

Yup the RHS heads come as castings which flow 240 with a standard magnum valve installed. but of course that costs extra, like you said.

And no you can't just take the valves from the X head and put them in the RHS head coz they have silly metric 8mm guides. :D

If he ALREADY HAS the X heads with 2.02/1.6 valves and they're "fresh" as he describes then there's nothing to spend on making them run. That means any spare cash can instantly go into porting the bowls.

We're talking about bang for your buck, obviously that should take into consideration the simple fact that he already has perfectly good factory heads and just wants "a bit more power"

Another factor with RHS heads is that for some reason, some brands of aftermarket rocker gear seem to cause unacceptable rocker geometry. you'll never get that with a factory head. (excluding T/A heads, of course)

Like I said earlier, if you wanna run low 11's I'd say junk the factory iron heads and go aftermarket in a heartbeat. But otherwise just port them and save the $1000 difference for a rainy day.