Have the code Nazis hit on your car?

Many of us bring this kind of crap on ourselves. A little housekeeping wouldn't hurt, and in many cases will save you money and inconvenience.

If you want to live in a house that looks as though it was built in the center of a scrap yard, great, but there is a cost to that, too. At some point in time, sooner or later, someone is going to pitch a ***** about it. It might be a neighbor, or it might be someone who lives miles from you, but within the same country.

Is it any of their business? Well, that depends. Is your lake of pride in your property affecting their property value? If the answer to that question is yes, than, it is their business, as it has a direct and costly affect on their property. BTW, no matter what you think of the neighbor, the law, or the local government agency, you are the one causing the issue, you are the one being the "bad neighbor". Most won't see it that way, but, that doesn't change the fact, any.

What about drivers by who complain? Is your mess their concern? Probably not, but, if they report it, and if you are in violation of a county ordnance, it really doesn't matter. The damage is done. Some one from the county is going to visit you, and, most likely, write you a citation.

Code Nazies? Don't give them a reason, and there won't be a problem.

The fact is, in cases like this, it's almost always the "collectors" fault that the authorities were brought into the issue. Either because of the usual, "It's my yard and I'll keep it my way", or some other false bravado BS. The fact is, as a property owner or renter, you have a responsibility to maintain the propert in an oderly fashion comensorate with the state, county and local codes. If you don't, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. ...and that's not a badge of honor, either.

If you disagree with the code then fight to have it changed or relaxed, legally. That's the only way you can win in the long run.

I gotta agree with that.

Knew a guy the always bitched about getting citations from his town. Then you would drive by his house and see the grass waist high in a residential area. I had to side with the neighbors and township on a case like that.

If you are out in the sticks and the neighbors are a quarter mile away it's a different story.

The olds story is screwed up if no info was left out. If it's under cover I don't see anyone having the right to pull the cover up and check the tag. But why was the tag expired anyway. Could have saved a ton Of billshit by just registering the damn thing.