What song takes you back.........

i thought it would be kewl to see what songs take u back to your younger years.........there's certain ones for me that always remind me of a time and place when i was growing up.

for instance, every time i hear "don't let the sun catch you crying" by gerry and the pacemakers it takes me back to a saturday afternoon of slot car racing with my friends from school. i remember that song playing at the slot track.........how warm the day was, (fall day octoberish) the cars that me and my buddy pat had, and the fun.

for some reason, that song always reminds me of that day at the track, on alameda across from the villa italia mall, in lakewood colorado, it is like i was there yesterday......i think i was in the 6th grade.

there are others that i can't think of right now (probably because i am currently listening to a beach boys record )

what takes you back?