Captainkirk's Duster project

......on the underside tonight. Yep; that's right. I said FIRST coat. Not that I'm enjoying this, but rather, I'm not getting complete coverage. Also, like Sir Isaac Newton, I've discovered gravity. Yup, paint rolls downhill (as do other substances) and you wind up with more paint on your hands than on the car. Plus, it really looks like ****.:D You see, in my infinite wisdom, I decided gray Rust-Oleum over the black Rust Reformer would show every single spot and streak that I missed. Yep, I was right.:sign3:
Plus, it was colder than a witches tit out there tonight laying inches above (and at times, ON) the concrete. After four hours of that crap I realized I must be insane and called it a night. But, the underside wears a thin-but-very visible coat of oil-based paint tonight. And I still have a half-quart left!:D
There's always tomorrow, kids......