Torque converters: Quality ,for the buck.....

Then you didn't plan right. The right converter will make more of a difference then a ton of the stupid little **** people spend money on.

And seriously. On something so important leave the car apart that little extra time and save till you get it. Hell that's what I do. I can't afford to just go buy everything in a day. I pick up ot at work if I can. Sell some stuff and play the waiting game till it's done right. Why spend the time and money twice? That's just stupid.

Bullshit. Plan and save.

Once you use a good converter ya understand and won't go cheap again. It gives you everything. Better performance, better drive ability and even better mpg.

as stated above I bought a good converter. also have used A&A and A-1. im not trying to say you don't get what you pay for but ive had much better like with my 550 dollar edge than the 1000 dollar A-1 that we had to have re adjusted 4 times before they got it right. now mind you we had the engine dyno sheet, weight, gear, everything. even time slips.

Perfect example is my 68. when I built the motor while going to school I had a set amount of time to R&R the motor, and rebuild it. budget was small and I wasn't able to get all the motor work done that I needed due to a screw up on my part (hit water on the head). **** happens so chill out...