Anyone done Under Dash A/C ?

66Dvert, yes I did think of doing the slimline thing. I think Old Air products makes one. I would rather buy a kit instead of buying the evap and then having to piece together the compressor/dryer/condenser/lines/brackes, etc, you get the idea. I'm just hesitant as to how well they work. I live in south florida so summers are brutal and long. In fact we're still hitting 87 - 88 mid day with high humidity. I would hate to spend $1200 or so and end up with a system that has a hard time cooling the car.

if you live south of me by much (I'm between Tampa and Ocala) then you'll probably need to go to a parallel flow condenser anyway. along with the Sanden conversion(that cones in the kit but I didn't like the placement of the hoses or connection types) so it's pretty much a "buy extra parts anyway" kit that you'll end up buying. I looked at Vintage and classic for my dart and decided for that money(since I couldn't get all the stuff I wanted) to just get a factory box. drill some holes and upgrade to the better components for a cooler and more efficient A/C system( oversized parallel condenser and a specific compressor that had the line connectors that I wanted in the place I wanted them, plus custom made hoses) that I wasn't going to get with either vintage or classic. I wanted to put the hoses and drier locations where I knew they would look similar to stock but be an upgrade.

not saying that you won't get a decent system from either Classic or vintage. they do look awesome and I do like their controls, but I wanted the "stuff" I wanted for a good cooling car and it would have been Wayyyyy to expensive (for me) to upgrade from those companies since the stuff didn't come in their "kits".

I have seen a few guys that have had problems keeping their cars "cool", could be user error too! I have not heard if they were able to talk to either of those companies and get their cars working right yet either. I usually see a couple of them once or twice a month and they haven't said one way or another if the problem was fixed or even what it was originally. no Mopars but how hard can it be to cool a dinky 33 Ford or a bigger 36 Chevy business coupe?

I'm going to see when the budget allows about getting a /6 bracket from charlie_s for my dart and a later model bracket for the wife's dart (v88))