moparts= arrogant

There are so many worse messageboards than Moparts.
A couple of years ago, I was looking for some Jeep info, so I joined a Jeep board. I asked some technical questions about a bad fuel gauge. I got nothing but bad responses: "don't bother us new guy, use the search" , "mine doesn't work either!", "they never work", "fill up every 200 miles" and best of all "just carry a jerry can".
We've got it pretty good in the Mopar world.

Yeah, so right I owned a Jeep and thought I would join the forum and gather data. Wow those guys torn me a new one. They were relentless at least the one I was on. I asked about building my Dana 30 front axle and got repsonses like "Get a real axle bud and then come back". Not sure what the hell was going on with that sort of comment.