AlV 69 Dodge GTS project

As I write these posts (and review them) I can hardly believe how much the project has changed and grown from what I thought it would be when I started it. Backing into this thread made me realize how far the project has come and yet there is so much left to do.

Now that I've gotten this thread up to speed ... from here on things will slow down because the work is going to be happen real time.

My garage is getting tight making work space a premium making engine removal interesting. Here are a few pictures of the 318 engine and 727 pulled out in close quarters. lol
I separated the trans first and left it under the car so I could remove the 318.

Check out the custom work the previous owner did on the K frame to accommodate the power steering lines. Aye!

A friend has offered to loan me his welder. I haven't done any welding before so I'm excited to give it a try. I don't have High expectations.