Screw off, 'cable guy'

That's why God invented INTERNET PIRACY! ;)

I can watch whatever I want on my computer. Better, I can stream most stuff thanks to some certain websites and/or tools.

And really, the only channels I care to get are Discovery, NatGeo, maybe Mil channel, and that's it... And no, you can't have a three-channel deal with the cable company, so Puckett! I got high-speed internets, and that's all I need...

Plus, 99% of TV shows these days are just garbage anyway... Lost, Sons of Anarchy, Seinfeld reruns, SNL went way down the tubes in the past 15 years, Leno is alright but I don't care enough to watch, then you got the propaganda channels; the mainstream media whose sole focus as a TV station is to keep you glued through fear mongering and sensationalist bullshit. No thanks. I'll stick to where I can stream just about any South Park episode I want for free FROM THE CREATORS so it's perfectly legal.

Speaking of which, SPS has episodes I haven't seen yet. brb...

- CK