timing light..what are you running

Dial back is the way to go for setting total timing for me. I have a Snapon,Mac, and a OTC. Though more dough,The Snapon and Mac if damaged can be sent back for repairs.Something I have to do with the Mac(OOPS!) The Sears Craftsman is a good one too for the money. Yeah I damaged that one too...
Another is Fox Valley,though no longer made,Check ebay, swap meets,that I bought in the 70's has been dropped, stepped on, burnt by headers,Held together by tape and rubber bands is industructable and still working today.

Mac old school dial back,perfection every time.

That's what I like to hear. For many years Mac's lights were made by Actron. If you need a lead set we don't have them available any more but Actron may be able to help. Check their website. http://www.actron.com/product_category.php?id=259