Beginners,doing multiple modifications at once......
True story -
I started out with the one car I was driving everyday. So I really could only do one thing at a time due to costs, time, and reliability. Once I had the space and a 2nd vehicle, I started doing more than one thing. That led to shelving a project due to funds to work on soemthing I had parts for, or needed less $$ for. Which led me to not have a running driving car but owning 5 of them...
I fell into depression as a result of the cars & lack of progress and soem other forces in life.
I sold, junked, or gave away everything I could and took a 6mth break from everything car related. About a year after that I started to find things I wanted and I now have 3. one is running driving, one is the only one I owned as a teenager that still survives and is local, and one that is something I really want to do "someday" and it was too good to pass up.
So my advive is - find what makes you happy in this hobby and figure out how to do what you can afford to get there. For some it's not modifying at all, but driving. Some it's racing. Some it's parts collecting or car collecting. Whatever makes you happy. Because anything beyond that just isn't worth the time.
If you're looking to improve your results, THEN go one change at a time to avoid frustration and speed advancement because Cracked said it best in post #20.