Beginners,doing multiple modifications at once......

Gotta be careful about going in too many directions at once. You can easily find yourself overwhelmed and before you know it your pride and joy has been sitting untouched for a year

It's very easy to get overwhelmed. For years and years it was my dream to restore my dad's Challenger he bought brand new. Some of my first memories are riding in that car with my family. I was finally able to get the car into a body shop for the long ride back from years of salty roads. In the back of my mind I thought something would happen while it was at the shop and I wouldn't get it back. That's why I didn't work on any of the components. I didn't want to have a bunch of money tied up in parts and not have a body to bolt them on to.

When the body was finally done and delivered, I staired at the empty shell. Then I looked at all the rusty/nasty parts and the plastic tub filled with all the unlabeled fasteners. I about had a panic attack. I took a step back and had to remind myself that the hard work was already done. This is supposed to be the fun part. It was at that moment when I said there would be no deadline. I wouldn't put a part back on the car before it looked the best I could get it to look. I worked on one sub assembly at a time. When that was done and installed, I worked on the next assembly. For a long time it didn't seem like anything was getting done....but slowly the car came together. The more complete it looked, the more motivation I had to get it done.

The Dart will be the same way. There is no deadline. I won't put a part back on it that doesn't look the very best my skills will allow me to make it. The car was taken apart in sub assemblies. Those subassembly will stay intact until I'm ready to work on them. This way things stay in one place and don't walk off. It's easier to remember how everything goes back together when you took it apart a month ago instead of 10 years ago.