I would recommend not trying to make a living at your hobby. Get the best education you can afford and find a good job. The money to pursue your hobby will follow with a good job. The benefits that come with a good job cost more than you could afford by being self employed. Car guys that do custom work and make tons of money are few and far between and your chances of hacking it are as difficult as playing pro sports. Remember most employers will pay for your advanced education as a write off as long as it loosely follows your job description. Try to get at least a Bachelors degree in something. If firefighting appeals to you go to college and get a degree in Law Enforcement and go into Public Safety. PS is becoming the "in" occupation across the country. Public Safety Officers are cops, paramedics and firefighters. Once your a cop your employer will send you to first responder school and firefighter school. You'll be far more employable than just the one trade. Then find a small safe town to work in and you'll have it made. Remember my advice is worth what you paid for it. Dan