bvt69dart.......what a piece of work........

Damn higgs that sucks! Sorry to hear about the dakota, at least you didn't get hurt. Sounds like he is an upstanding dude. Nice to have friends like him. Maybe one day when I make it back up that way we can all get together for a beer or two!

pm me next time your coming dennis, we'll get together, it would be good to see you!!

Leave it to Brock, great guy indeed. One of the truly good guys out there.

couldn't agree more dave........x2............

Thank you higgs for the great write-up and the rest of you guy's for chiming in! Brian bought a new radiator and we got his truck up and running today. We took some pictures so ya'll could see the destruction a little deer can do!

thanks again, dude, the truck ran flawlessly all the way home.......kewl!!!!