Captainkirk's Duster project

Well, Ol' Man Winter ain't here yet, but he's just around the corner. I've been greeted by hard frost on the windshield these last few days, and poking my head in the garage is like grabbing some ice cream out of the freezer in the evenings. It's gonna be a hard transition, but I've got to make the transition over to the 'Winter List' of things to do. It's past the point where I can safely paint or undercoat so we will call Phase One done for the season. On a high note, I've nailed five meeces in the ol' Victor trap now...mice that were no doubt looking for a place to shack up for the winter. Not in my Duke, ya don't!:D
My next focus will have to be on parts that go on the underside or interior; parts I can work on at the (shop at work) or in the house. Gotta keep the train rolling. I've been slacking for days now and we all know where that path leads!
This will be known as 're-training', because my normal winter mode is to hunker down and relax. But we're beyond all that now.......right?:occasion: