Stopping the knock: Lower compression and ported heads...

The engine does run better in the first few minutes before it is totally warmed up. The detonation worsens as it gets warmer. ...

Reason for me mentioning this is that I'm experiencing pretty much the same problem as you have.
Once the engine warms up (180-190 deg) it starts pinging when leaning on the throttle.
I've mentioned it earlier in one of your topics but it never got picked up.

I went from a stockish with 1.6 rockers, to a solid XR274 roller cam w/ 1.5rockers and the engine started pinging when pushed (Besides/because the higher cylinderpressure ofcourse).

In my case I'm pretty sure it's the underhood heat and hot air that is causing the engine to ping, compared to the fuel-octane.

For testing winter/summer blends, you could fuel up a few canisters with summer-fuel and save them for test use in wintertime.