Chrysler Products Slant 6 club 1985 poster

Colorful one of a kind red, white and blue vintage 1985 "Chrysler Products Slant 6 Club" 22 inches wide x 28 inches deep poster. The poster reads "Chrysler Products Slant 6 Club - Helping Keep Yesterday's Chryslers ....on the road today" and was used to promote the club in the 1980s at car shows. It has been stored indoors and is in very good condition.

Ships from New Rochelle, New York

$35.00, including free shipping within the U.S.A.

PayPal preferred, but postal money order or bank check accepted.

Send private message if you want to receive a digital image of the poster; I am having trouble loading onto this site, probably because of the size of the photo.

Dan Gallo
New Rochelle, NY