Me and a 496 hydrualic roller sprayin chevelle

Lol I thought I was the only one around here that did this! My gawd I could make some $$ in your group. I'll try and post my most recent non track event up here. I was beat once on the street two years ago then got very serious about setting the car up to street race. It was fun, SBM on the gun pickin the fronts on motor :) carryin them on the gun lol made a lot of "friends"

We use to be out every weekend.Ricers ruined our spots, they brought out helicopters, trashed properties.Most of our fast cars are sold or no body comes out.We use to be a family but not anymore. It's everyone for themselves. Our group use to get with Oklahoma and invite other states. We are 50/50 with Oklahoma and the claim to be the fastest... Lol.They have sum fast ones.I think their 2 nd season is on December 2 on Discovery channel.I didn't watch allergen episides cause the Drama was staged.I heard this season they traveled around and got beat but heard Chicago dragged,peeped,and sprayed their lane.....Cheats