Classless Fabo posters...

"Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone."

To me, that says it all. It's funny how everybody (myself included) likes to point the finger at others as if the finger pointer themselves are not guilty. We've all done it. None of us is immune. Not one member. Not one moderator. We've all stirred the pot at some point. Like it or not, that's the truth.

Makes no sense trying to make out like somebody else has done it worse than anyone. If you've done it, you've done it, and we ALL have. Some more than others? Maybe. But that's the moderators job to hash through. Mods ain't innocent in this either, because they, like us members are human. Some might say that makes them hypocrites. I disagree. I say it makes them human. It makes their job all the more difficult, because they are *supposed* to be moderators and *not* let their personal feelings get involved.

But how is that fair? The moderators have the hardest job of all. They have to enforce rules and worry at the end of the day who they pissed off or what friend they might have lost. Again, we are all human and subject to the same temptations and imperfections that come a long with it.

I made my decision to not to let stuff get to me anymore and I am not going to do it. I like this place. Obviously, the mods and staff like me, or I would not have been let back in and would still not be here. So I figure the least I can do is try to get along. That's why I have let a lot of stuff go lately when normally I might have caused a shitstorm. There's enough shitstorms to be dealt with without my help.