Anyone in the Arizona area????

Sterling, Message me anytime if you like. I like helping guys get started. I just partially finished a 65 Dart and know what is expensive to replace, for starters.

Number one rule- NEVER through anything away if you can possibly store it, you never know if you will need it or a sample of it in the future. It also may have value to someone else if you are upgrading, (sell it!) and usually after it is tossed out!!
If you are going to take something apart, bag and tag EVERYTHING AND BE SURE AND TAKE PHOTOS. I can't say enough about that.
Be realistic about your budget, and what you plan to do. It is easy to use stuff like bone yard motors, etc stuff that is a pretty direct swap. Having dreams of going Bigblock or building a nine second drag car are very expensive. They can be done, but ask here about the cheapest route or best options. Example- a cheap, running 440 will be a nightmare to put in an early A. A B motor is narrower and easier, but still presents challenges. A boneyard 360 with bolt on performance parts is cheap, (relatively) and a blast to drive. On top of that, a 360 is about the biggest motor you can get decent headers for.
Other things that come to mind- pulling the front or rear glass is expensive, as the seals will need to be replaced and possibly the glass (do they even make it still?)
If you let us know what you want to accomplish, we can start right hear. Guys love to help, that's why we are here.