PSC Fund Raiser for The TrimMaster's Mom

Hey Leanna if were bidding on items here I will bid $20.00 on DD keychain.

Thanks afb!! :-D If more items / bids are kicked in, I'll keep a list organized as we've done in prior benefit events.

My little auctions are only going for a couple more days though -- I wanted to get as much raised as I could quickly.

He got attacked by a pitt bull not to long ago I'm Happy he's back to playin nascar with his cats and digging up the yard for buried treasure used be be playin chase with his cats but then I saw him take the lead :)

Curtis, knowing this makes your donation even more heart-warming! I hope Margaret recuperates as fully and quickly as Dodger seems to have. Give him a big scratch on the belly from me, and you can have one too. :-D

Donation sent!!

Thanks Geof!! You're awesome! :-D

Saw the pay pal address.......donation sent! Best of luck to her.

Mike, thanks so much for your great posts and for helping out with this. Though slowly (it's been a rather crappy year around here as ya know), your bezels are moving up in line and I appreciate your patience.

Glad to see this is pickin up. A lot more are signed up for Secret Santa and that's cool too. But here, we have the friend of a member in need. Leanna as always been there for every single benefit thread offering gift certificates. That's money right out of her pocket, because the benefit thread recipient receives the bid amount. Leanna does the work for free. I like the secret santa thing and I am going to participate this year. I have already sent a donation for this thread. Yall all know mine and Kitty's situation. If we can do it, there's no reason everyone else cannot do something. Whether it's put a part up for bid, or a small donation. Maybe do without that $5 latte one day this week. Really yall. Leanna has always been here for us. Lets not let her down.

I had to wait a few minutes before I could type up this latest round of Thank Yous all because of you Rob (or because I'm just an emotional woman lol). I'm honored to be a small part of this great message board and truly enjoy helping people if I can. Thank you most sincerely for your comments, for helping out even though I know you can't afford it either, and most especially for being who you are.