Concerns with family smokers & my infant while on vacation

We get tons of every kind of safety training at my job. Sometimes we gotta take the latest training fad with a grain of salt. Tobacco cessation says that my baby can develop ear/nose/throat problems hanging around smokers.

Do you guys think I should be concerned with my 6.5 month old? my opinion, people, society and the gov't tend to take an issue like smoking, and turn into the most evil thing that ever existed. And I notice that about once a year, all these latest "studies" say that things like "now we know that an infant even within 50 yards of cigarette smoke can suffer damage......" blah blah's really hard for me to believe actually. And you hear talk of the gov't wanting to outlaw people's right to smoke in their own house.

I'm not a smoker but I grew up smelling my dad's cig smoke all the time. In the family car was the worst, and I believe in a setting like that, there can be some detrimental effects to others. That being said, my cardio has never been the greatest. :D Do whatever you can to keep your child away from cigarette smoke, but as far as me......I'm just a bit skeptical when you're outside.