Any way to "de-power" a power steering box?

Exellent info, guys... thanks.

What I had in mind was eliminating the pump all together... is that something that can be done safely? Less weight, less drag on the motor, quicker ratio than the standard manual box (I believe)...

If that's not recommended, I will likely go the reduced pressure route as suggested.

Eliminating the pump will give you the hardest turning manual steering setup ever invented. Ask anyone who's ever had a Power Steering Pump fail.

I had one fail on my Dakota, I swear my arm muscle mass increased more in couple weeks of driving the truck (barely as needed, drove other vehicles most of the time) than it did in 6 months of working out. It turned harder than my 1948 Dodge, 1984 D50 (With 40" Tires) and 65 Cuda combined a complete stop.

By the time I replaced the pump on that truck, I probably looked like The Hulk to everyone else. :tongue5: On that note, it does have benefits, its a hardcore workout program :D