Concerns with family smokers & my infant while on vacation

Time for a smoke??

I have a hard time believing that someone that smokes outside is going to cause ENT problems with the baby(inside). Wait until they outlaw smoking and then EVERONE's taxes will go up. So will unemployment with outta work doc's nurses, pharmacists. I agree cig smoke stinks but I cant see it harming your papoose (in this situation)

I don't smoke in the house when my grandkids come over.
I'm sure if you calmly and rationally talk to your relatives, it will be just fine.
Gotta agree that it is a bad habit, but come on, polarized hate? (Yes, I am quitting, trying the Wellbutrin route this time.)

Cracks me up, the guy who says smokers = stupid, brain damaged idiots, can't spell irresponsible.......

Food for thought, once the propaganda machine eliminates smoking and starts missing that tax revenue (it's spelled billions), what do think they'll go after next?