Funny Things Teenagers Say/ Think

I thought I would start a thread on the funny things teenagers think. We already know they are smarter than anyone else, if you don't believe it, ask them.

I remember in High School we were sitting in class our senior year waiting for the bell to ring. As we sat there we talked about our plans after graduation. Some, like myself, were going to college in different states, others were joining the Navy, and the Army. One guy said, "Well I have joined the Marines." We were all impressed, so we asked him, "Why are you joining the Marine." You see in our eyes the Marines were the toughest, and hardest branch of service you could go into.

The young man with a very serious face said, "I joined the Marines because, I'm sick and tired if being bossed around at home." We all nearly fell our of our seats laughing at him, but the paper work was signed, and at that point he was theirs.

By the way, over 20 years later he is still in the Core.:D