Funny Things Teenagers Say/ Think

not quite a teenager yet but a while age I took my three year old to the store to buy some of those clip on lights for his bicycle so he could ride it during the evening

well wouldn't you know it, the bicycle aisle is right across from the hotwheels aisle
so my boy looks at me and says "daddy, I want a toy"
I said "sorry buddy, but were not buying a toy now we're buying lights for your bike"
he replied, "I don't want lights, I want a toy"
so I explained it to him, I said "listen son, you need to have lights on your bike, its getting dark and if you ride your bike without lights the cars wont see you and they will run you over"
without skipping a beat he looked at me and said...
"I don't need a light on my bike, cars have lights....I need a toy"

hes got his moms brains and my mouth, something tells me that will get him in trouble later