Insulation done! Shop heater questions. Electrical gurus.

I agree about forced air electric. I like them much better than radiant, and they are safer, as they operate at lower temps.

So far as fueled heat, I doubt that with the heat you need in that shop.....and I'm assuming intermittent..........that installing a permanent such as a ceiling unit heater, etc, would ever justify in payoff savings over a or a couple of decent quality hardware store electric unit(s).

All electric and other "sources of combustion" in a garage should be 18" minimum? (code? not sure anymore) or 2 ft off the floor, the theory being floor based heavy vapors.

And you are right. ANY non vented combustion heater whether LP, oil, etc, produces a LOT of water vapor. Water is the MAIN product of hydrocarbon based combustion.

You could however use such as an LP portable heater for "quick" warmups on those really cold days, then shut down and "maintain" with the electric units.