Dislocated shoulder

Has anybody ever dislocate there shoulder? I was moving parts from a Bronco II to a Ranger to scrap the Bronco and tripped with a starter in 1 hand and an alternator in the other. Well let me tell ya it sent me for a loop I laid there for a while no phone. I got up and it popped back in. So it didn't feel too bad so I continued to move parts and stupid me pulled on something and it did it again. Not learning anything I proceeded to move more parts..... Then I understood how bad it was. I went to my house and took my outer wear off and my tee shirt off to look and went to put my tee shirt it back on and down to floor i went when it popped out for the 4th time. Is this a long time injury to heal? I guess all I get to say is I'm
Glutton for punishment :violent1: