What tools needed for engine rebuild?

I have screw driver wrenches and air compressor

You may need one more screwdriver. A ratchet and a couple of sockets and a piece of sand paper. Don't forget to sand everything before you paint it all. Do not use any lube prior to paint. This may cause fish eyes in the paint.

You want a good smooth coat of chrome paint on the crank so it looks polished. Paint all parts the appropriate colors . Take a couple of pictures and then lube the **** out of everything on the inside.

Take your time on the cylinder bores and use a sideways stroke angle with a #No. 2 paint brush. This will give you the cross hash look as seen below. This block was professional prepped and painted.

Good luck and if you need anymore pointers just give a shout at

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You Crash-em We Stash-em
You Can Trust us Midnight Auto Repairs.

If I don't answer after midnight we may be on a job. I am usually back before dawn. Steve