AlV 69 Dodge GTS project

Fluid, That is the nature I need to embrace with this and most any project.

The Dart has been out of my garage for about a week now and I've been a little out of sorts since. Nothing terrible just that I was used to going in with some sort of agenda or plan, but there is no car to work on and the agenda has altered slightly.

My plan was to work on the front end while the car was away in the body shop. But when you introduce another party into the project the scope needs to change to account for the introduction of new requirements.

The team (Mark and Tom) thought it would be better to transport the vehicle with the suspension still in the car and that made sense to me. They also want to be able to fit the panels as the car sit on the suspension (all of which makes sense to me) needless to say I will not be rebuilding the front end for a while.

In a previous post I mentioned the strategy. They will strip and do metal repair. Followed by Seal and Primer. Then they will cut the color into the interior, door jambs and engine then the car comes back and that's when we'll do the suspension. Over the next few months we'll work on reconditioning the door window assemblies and cleaning up the trim.

If all goes to plan...When the car comes back we'll take care of the suspension, install the reconditioned windows and assemblies. Mate the engine and transmission mounting them on the rebuilt front end and put it all back into the car so we can send it back for final paint.

Ha! if that all goes without a hitch I'm buying beers!

in the mean time Trim is what's been happening not exciting but it's work that has to be done.

I'm Straightening out (best I can) the tail panel (not sure if I'll detail it yet).

Ill post a broader pic with before and after later.

I did order and receive the U channel weather strip for the side windows I'm still putting together a list of parts that I need to rebuild the window assemblies ( rollers, pins, stops, etc).

With the order I picked up some new call outs for the hood inserts. mine were shot and year one had a 30% off deal for Cyber Monday.

Using various grades of steel wool then polish and a polishing wheel they actually came out better than I thought.

In these photos one was started and the other was as is.

Repop call out

All done with the base. All I need are the gaskets.

The Swami tells me there's more trim in my future. lol