
Me, I dearly hope I'm to a point in my life where I never have to touch one of the damn things again. I've sawed, buzzed, chopped, loaded, unloaded, carried enough firewood to last me more than one lifetime.

What he said.
Poulan 3400
Mine is 30 years old. Back when they had the funny ads about pronouncing the name.
When I bought it the fellow recommended it based on something to do with they cylinder. Impregnated. Could be BS.
Professional line. I'm fuzzy.
Only funk thing. When I shut it off I have to lay it on the side with the cap loose. Vapor locks. Strange considering it was built by folks in Louisiana. (Heat)
Been a good saw and never had to work on it.

Get a bow, like this. Saves the back. You don't have to bend over as much. Just go straight down.
Pulp wooders use them. More care is necessary for kick back though.
No problem when I bought mine. May be harder to find now.

Oh, and I take my ramps down a little more when I sharpen it. I think they make it too cautious for liabilty.

(Stock picture)