TTI Headers hitting Frame Rail

cool man, yeah I'd double check the measurements and go from there, and you're right, if the dimensions are off, not much you can do if for some reason the K-Member is out of spec. Ma' Mopar was a bit sloppy with the metal work back in the day, and it is possible to have one out of speck from the factory.

Of course I don't know the history, but I assume you have new motor/trans mounts in, and if not that'd be the next place I would consider replacing.

I fought long tube headers for about 2 months, gave up and found out 2 years later how badly my K-Frame was messed up from a wreck.

This transmission and Engine were in the car before, but this is the first time I have had these headers in. I will check measurements. Future plans were to go aluminum front K frame from Hemi Denny soon anyways