Need help perfecting the budget build hemi swap

My thoughts on F.A.B.O. today ( not everyday, just today.)
This was me.

Since the day I was born I have never been able to see the world in the simple terms that everybody else seems to see things. Which makes simple things, extremely complicated.

A typical conversation might go like this.

I'll ask : " How do you make a red object blue ?"

Somebody will volunteer an answer : " Paint over the top of the red, with blue. "

I'll say : " But color doesn't exist, it is a simple perception of light waves reflected off the given texture of an object." "Depending upon the rods, and cone, in the eye structure of any given animal, colors may include ultra violet, or infra red, or simply be black, and white."

To which I'll sometimes get a reply something like this : " Look I told you paint over it, if you're not going to take my advice, you're an idiot."

Sometimes the reply includes a threat of physical harm also.

All I'm looking for is an answer. I'm not asking for the keys to the kingdom. People seem to like to step up, and give an answer to questions that were never asked. They do this because they want to give the appearance that they are brighter to other people around them. but when they can't admit they don't have the answer. They insult you, throw in a bit of posturing, and get steamed. In the end I feel humiliated, threatened, sorry I was curious, and just like them, I also, still don't have the answer to, how to make something red, turn blue ?
Well, it's time to leave the confines of my nice toasty house, with my tasty brew of hot coffee, to go outside in the arctic frost. Bet I can make my fingers, and toes turn blue.