Will GM 200r4 work with factory floor shift location?

OK, I finally received the carb TV cable bracket for my 750 Holly. I connected one end of the TV cable to my 200R4 and the other end to the carb. Then I adjusted the accel/TV cable bracket so that I had plenty of adjustment on the TV cable (See Pics). I'll get some pics of the connection at the trans tomorrow. Anyway, the way you adjust the TV cable for proper shifting is to put the carb at WOT and make sure the TV cable is fully extended when connected. So you simply hook-up the TV cable to the carb and move the TV cable bracket (the one on the right, orange color), so that the wire is as tight as a guitar string. The wire will actually sound like a tight guitar string when it is properly adjusted at WOT. Note that the TV cable is centered vertically and horizontally with the carb attach point.
I have two pics, one with the carb at idle and the second with the carb at WOT and the TV cable tight. The small bracket is in the last pic, it simply bolt onto holes that already exist on the Holley. You can see the bracket installed on the carb with the TV cable attached to it. Now that I have the TV cable where it needs to be I can adjust the accelerator part of the bracket to match the distance on my Cuda. Since I will be using the stock accelerator cable that's on my Cuda I should have only very minor adjustments when I install the 200R4.
Once I get both the accel and TV cable brackets in the proper place I can cut, weld, grind, smooth and paint before installation.
